Cycle 1
Request if: your organization is seeking general operating support and has a fiscal year-end date of 12/31.
Award notification: March
If your organization has received Howard Gilman Foundation funding in Cycle 1, 2, or 3 of the last year or a multi-year grant the prior year you are a Current Grantee!
To be eligible for Gilman funding, an organization must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization or fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3). If your eligibility has changed since your last request, contact your Program Officer.
We conduct three funding cycles per year. To begin the renewal process, you should determine which cycle is the best fit for both your organization and your type of proposal. Please visit our Date & Deadlines page for specific upcoming Cycle timing. The majority of Gilman’s grantees receive general operating support. If your most recent cycle is not ideal, please contact your Program Officer to discuss switching cycles.
Cycle 1
Request if: your organization is seeking general operating support and has a fiscal year-end date of 12/31.
Award notification: March
Cycle 2
Request if: your organization is seeking general operating support and has a fiscal year-end date of 6/30.
Award notification: Early July
Cycle 3
Request if: your organization is seeking general operating support and has a fiscal year-end date that falls between 7/31 and 11/30.
Award notification: November
Prior to the beginning of your preferred cycle, review your organization profile information and contacts in the grants portal. If updates are needed, click here and follow the instructions starting on page 6.
Need help logging in or updating your contacts in the grants portal? Reach out and we’ll be happy to guide you through the process via email or on a phone call.
Get HelpYour next step is to complete and submit a grant renewal application via the grants portal. Click here for a pdf copy of the Current Grantees form to use as a guide and to aid you while you prepare your renewal request.
This is our time to catch up. In addition to reading your renewal application, a Gilman Program Officer will schedule a meeting to talk with your organizational leadership and learn more about your plans. Gilman also strives to send a minimum of one staff person to a virtual or in-person performance-related activity per calendar year. Performances may happen outside of the review process and attendance is not limited to your request cycle timing.
Working together, the Gilman team will come to a consensus on all grant recommendations, which are then reviewed, discussed, and approved by the Gilman Board. All notifications of grant decisions (approvals, declinations, and deferrals) are sent out via email to the contacts you’ve selected in your request form.
If awarded funding, grantees will receive a grant agreement and payment instructions via DocuSign. Then, in your next request, we’ll ask you to report on your prior year’s funding—no separate reporting is required! If you receive multi-year funding, no interim narrative report is required. Instead, you will receive detailed information about the reporting process via email to the Grant Contact designated on your request.
Ready to Start Your Application?
Gilman uses a grants portal to process applications.
Get Started NowIn general, your organization is considered a Current Grantee if you have been awarded a Gilman grant in Cycle 1, 2, or 3 of the last calendar year or a two-year grant in the prior calendar year. If you have not, please visit our New Applicant page for more information.
Where can I find the eligibility requirements for Current Grantees?
Please visit the Current Grantees page for our detailed eligibility requirements for direct funding.
Does my organization need to have 501(c)(3) status to apply?
No! We know that not every great performing arts organization has 501(c)(3) status, nor should they. As long as your organization’s budget is over $250,000, we accept applications from both 501(c)(3)s AND fiscally sponsored organizations.
For how many years must my organization’s operating budget exceed $250,000 in order to be eligible?
In order to meet our eligibility criteria, your organization’s last completed fiscal year and current fiscal year must show operating revenue and expenses that exceed $250,000. The next year’s operating revenue and expense projections must also exceed $250,000.
What if my organization’s budget falls below/is projected to fall below $250,000?
Over the course of the year, if you have concerns about your budget eligibility, you are encouraged to keep your Program Officer informed.
What if my organization is not required to have an annual audit?
All organizations with budgets over $1M need to provide an audit. Organizations with budgets between $250K and $1M should provide a financial report with an independent CPA’s review. If your budget has fallen below $250K and cannot provide an audit or a review, you should submit your organization’s most recent 990.
Are there any special requirements for fiscally sponsored organizations?
Organizations using fiscal sponsors should maintain their own professionally generated financial records or have their fiscal agent maintain financial records specifically for them. Fiscally sponsored organizations must also have their own Board of Directors or Advisory Board.
If my organization is sponsored by a fiscal agent, whose information should be presented in the request?
Fiscally sponsored organizations should include their own organization’s operating budget, board, and contact information, as well as their own EIN if applicable, on the request.
The grant renewal application will also ask for your fiscal sponsor’s name and the fiscal sponsor’s audit, as well as the fiscal agent’s EIN if your organization doesn’t have one.
If you are awarded a renewed grant, congratulations! The grant agreement will be signed by the fiscal agent and the grant check will also be made out to the fiscal agent. We will send a copy of the grant agreement to your organization for your records.
When should my organization submit a request?
For project support, your renewal application should be submitted during a cycle that has an award notification date before the start of the proposed activity. For example, if your project begins in August, submit in Cycle 1 (award notification: March) or Cycle 2 (award notification: July).
For general operating support, we recommend that organizations with a fiscal year-end date of 12/31 request in Cycle 1, organizations with a fiscal year-end date of 6/30 request in Cycle 2 or 3, and organizations with a fiscal year-end date that falls between 7/31 and 11/30 request in Cycle 3. You can find more information about timing on our Dates and Deadlines page.
My renewal request was declined. How soon can I submit a new one?
We know that getting declined for a grant is painful. We also know that you might want to try again. While we welcome requests one time per calendar year per organization, we also highly encourage you to reach out to staff to discuss whether there is a potential future fit. We don’t want to waste a second of your time, so we’ll try to provide the best advice possible. Note that every declination email includes a Program Officer for you to contact with questions. Feel free to reach out to that person anytime.
How can we invite Gilman team members to upcoming performances and events?
All applicants will be asked to list upcoming performance dates in their application. Invitations to specific performances or events can be sent via email to the Program Officer listed in your application decision notification email. You’re also welcome to send a single hard copy to Gilman’s office address. We’ll be sure to share it will the full team. We’re excited to see your latest creations!
How can we request a meeting?
Typically, after your application is submitted, a Program Officer will reach out to the organization’s grant contact you’ve designated in the grants portal to set up a time to discuss a pending request. You are also welcome to contact any Program Officer at any time via email. If available on their respective staff bio page, you can also schedule a time to speak by clicking the calendar icon. Over the course of the year, we also look forward to staying in touch about other organizational updates.
How much funding should my organization expect to receive?
Current Grantees may generally expect to receive a renewal at their established annual amount (typically your prior year’s general operating support amount). Beginning in 2023, renewal grant applications will no longer ask for a request amount. While your prior year’s general operating support grant is a starting point for funding, your Program Officer will have a detailed conversation with you about any additional needs. Ultimately, all award amounts and decisions (including funding increases and decreases) are recommended by Program Officers and approved by our Board of Trustees.
Should my organization request general operating support or project support?
The majority of Gilman grantees request and receive general operating support. However, you are welcome to request either general operating or project support based on the needs of your organization. In conversation with the Gilman team, the focus of your request may shift over the course of the review cycle. Project support requests should be for distinct work within specific timeframes, and they may cross fiscal years. Note that projects are not funded retroactively. General operating support requests are for core programming and operations and should occur during the majority of one fiscal year.
My organization would like to be considered for a capital, cash reserve, or multi-year grant. How do we submit this type of request?
We appreciate that you are thinking about capitalization and fiscal health. As an annual grantee, we can talk more about additional ways that Gilman might be able to help with your funding needs during the request review meeting. Grants for capital projects, cash reserves, or multi-year funding are provided on a case-by-case basis. You are encouraged to keep Gilman staff abreast of organizational and campaign updates via email.
How long should the answers be for the grant renewal questions?
We know applications can feel daunting, so for each question we provide suggested answer lengths (ranging from a few sentences to a few paragraphs) for all narrative questions. While we ask that you keep these suggested lengths in mind as you craft your answers, at the end of the day, we want to hear about the real story, passion, and artistry behind your work. If that’s conveyed best in three words or three paragraphs, we’re excited to read it.
The decision notification date has passed, and my organization hasn’t yet received an email. What should I do?
All official decision notifications are emailed through Gilman’s grants portal. These emails are sent to the Grant Contact and Executive Leader Contact that your organization designated in your grant renewal application. If your organization’s Grant Contact and Executive Leader Contact have not received an email and the notification date has passed, it is likely that the email went to a junk or spam folder. Please reach out to your Program Officer to confirm the application decision. To ensure that your organization receives all future emails, it is helpful to white-list the address via
My organization was not funded or was not funded at a level awarded to organizations we consider comparable to ours. Why not?
Each cycle, all requests are reviewed looking holistically at field-wide challenges, the request pool, and the unique needs of individual organizations. Gilman’s funding recommendations are made based on the results of that comprehensive evaluation process. Just like organizations across similar budgets and disciplines are not uniform, our funding across budget sizes or disciplines intentionally is not uniform or one-size-fits-all. We are committed to approaching our work with integrity and respect for artists and arts workers. We are happy to meet to discuss questions about any declination or potential future fit.
How should I send a receipt or acknowledgment letter?
Please feel free to send a receipt or acknowledgment letter for a grant to your Program Officer via email or as an email attachment.
Is there a logo I can use on promotional materials?
You are welcome to use the Howard Gilman Foundation logo in any printed or online materials that pertain to your award. You will find files for our logo, as well as information about how to acknowledge Gilman on our logos page.
How do I update my organization’s contacts?
We know that staff changes happen throughout the year. If the new Grant Contact or Executive Leader will be logging into our grants portal, reviewing or submitting grant materials, and/or receiving future email notifications, have the new contact click the “Create an Account Now” button from the button right corner of the main login screen of the grants portal. Next, they will create and submit a new registration. Once submitted, we will connect the new contact to your organization’s record.
If the new contact won’t be logging into the grants portal but you want to list them on grant materials as the Grant Contact or Executive Leader Contact, then please log in to the grants portal, click “People” from the left side menu, and then click the “Create New User” button on the bottom right of the screen. You can add the contact information for them (so they can receive notifications) without giving them a login to the system. As a reminder, notification emails are only sent to the Grant Contact and Executive Leader Contact that your organization designates on your grant renewal application.
To download a step-by-step guide to registering users and updating contacts, click here.
Who is my Program Officer?
As you might know, your Program Officer is the Gilman team member who serves as your primary contact during both the application process and grant period. They evaluate your application, meet with you to discuss your proposal, attend your performances, and share information about your organization with Gilman’s full staff and board. Though you might have relationships with several people at Gilman, your organization actually only has one Program Officer assigned at a time. If you are unsure about who your current Program Officer is, just reach out to, and they can point you to the right person!
My Program Officer changed. How come?
At Gilman, we strive for meaningful relationships with our grantees. We also value a variety of opinions and perspectives. That is why we generally try to pair a grantee organization with the same Program Officer for several years and then shift that organization to another member of the Programs Team. This allows relationships to develop over time and gives more of us a chance to get to know more of you. We realize that getting to know a new Program Officer can take time and might feel a little disorienting (especially if you had a close connection with your last one), but we take great care to create smooth transitions so that you don’t feel like you are starting from square one. If you have any concerns, just let us know!